Friday, February 13, 2009

Resident Evil 5: Demo Impressions

Capcom released the RE5 demo a few weeks ago, and I had a chance to play both the 360 and PS3 version.

Visuals: Honestly both version look pretty much identical except the PS3 has clipping and lighting problems and this is certainly odd considering the PS3 supposedly the lead development platform, but it looks like the PS3 is getting another crappy port, but they still look pretty good.

Sound: The voice acting is pretty good as far as RE games go. I also love how the Kujiji (I think that's what they are called) speak what appears top be Swahili (an African language).

Controls: If you played RE 4, then the controls will feel right at home.

Story: It's a demo, not much is reveled, except your in in Africa after Wesker.

Game play: RE5 much more action oriented than any RE to date. In addition to the usual stuff in RE4, Capcom has added a cover system similar to stealth games i.e you can put you back on a wall, and pop up and shoot an enemy as some of them use hand guns, rifles, and shotguns. The A.I of your computer controlled partner is pretty bad as she like yo block chainsaws with her neck, although you can play with a friend offline or online.

Resident Evil 4 Ver. 2.0: There's no denying that RE5 is pretty much the same damn thing as RE4. I mean the only difference is the skin color of the enemies. In RE4 the Gonodos where white (Spaniards) and in RE the enemies are mostly black as apparently Capcom caved in to accusations for being "Racist" as there are now White, and Asian Africa. Oh yeah, the infamous chainsaw enemy is now back, although he isn't really that hard honestly.

Overall the game isn't bad but I'm not paying $60 for this damn game, maybe when game is around 30 bucks., but until then, I'm gonna hold off from buying it.

1 comment:

  1. I'll most definitely be getting RE 5 since I basically love the series, despite Capcom not putting much effort into making this look that much different from RE 4. I really hope they bring the series back to its roots though on any succeeding installments
