Friday, May 15, 2009

Fallout 3: Final Thoughts

Well finishing FO3 and the following DLC, it's time for some final thoughts, well there is another DLC on it's way, that I'm sure of.

"Fallout 3 is one confused game."

And it really is. Fo3 honestly can't make up it's mind what genre it wants to be. Now I know Todd Howard says it's an RPG, but honestly, it's not that simple. Calling Fo3 an RPG is a bit of a stretch I'd say, as it has elements of First Person Shooters (a good 95% of the game), minimal RPG elements, and survival horror. The big problem however is FO3 simply can't make up it's mind on what genre it wants to be. The game is also riddled with faux horror elements such as dark tunnels and feral ghouls jumping out at you. The game also has very very minor RPG elements such as equipping weapons and armor, increasing your skills, and leveling up. Gone are the staple Fallout elements such as tough choices and actual consequences for your actions and replaced with SuP3R AW3SOME ASPODING HEADZ!!!11111.

"Bethesda is a good company to care on the series."

That's up for debate, and personally I feel Bethsoft did some things right such as the art direction, and 50's vibe, even if it's over done. On the opposite end of the spectrum however, Bethsoft really manged to royally screw over classic organizations like the Brotherhood of Steel and one most beloved Fallout characters, Harold the ghoul. The Brotherhood are a group Knights with roots in the US military and government. They also have laser weapons, and highly advanced armor called "Power Armor". The BOS are in numerous areas in the wasteland with the original being located in California. The Midwestern BOS is located near Chicago and last but not least, the eastern BOS located neat Washington D.C. They are the same organization, however they have several things that make them unique. The deadly Super Mutants also make return in FO, but are much more tame this time around, capable of being killed with a few pistol shots at level 2, yes, level 2.

"No originality and plot holes the size of the glow."

The thing that bothers me about Fallout 3, is it's slew if rehashed designs and plot holes. The story is more or less a slapped together pile of rehashed elements from FO and FO2. You are looking for your father and involes water (FO) and you need a G.E.C.K to cleanse said water and save the wastleland (FO2). The only differences are that in FO2 you needed the G.E.C.K to save your village. A noble band of holy Knights are also in the D.C area, sworn to protect the helpless people of the wasteland....opps, I mean the Brotherhood of Steel. Seriously, what the hell happened to the Brotherhood when they made it to the D.C area? Why did Bethsoft turn them into a bunch of goody goody Knight stereotypes? Just because they have ranks like Knight and Paladin doesn't mean they are those kind of Knights. I can remember the first time I heard them start shouting "To arms, to arms!" or "Hail Sir Knight", I honestly busted out laughing. The Super Mutants from Fo, FO2, and FOT also make an appearance as cannon fodder, orc like morons that die in 3-4 shots. In Fo, FO2, and FOT the Super Mutants where an enemy you didn't take lightly, however in FO3, you can kill Super Mutants with the greatest of ease, even the SM Behemoth. The Enclave from FO2 also makes a return, however they left all their depth and awesomeness back on the west coast. In FO3, the Enclave is just a super evil group to oppose the white knights of the wasteland, the Brotherhood. When Fo3 was announced, it was said that the Enclave was just the left over remnants from the west coast, however with the new ending in broken Steel, that's not the case, as it seems to point to there being several other locations where the Enclave has bases. Also it's never explained how the Brotherhood actually gets to the D.C area, or why they are having such trouble beating the Super Mutants. Oh well, so long as we get asploding heads right?

You might have noticed I mention Fallout: Tactics a good bit and for good reason. Unlike FO3, one of the things FOT was able to do is create it's own version of the Brotherhood and chapter in the FO universe without ripping off nearly everything from the first two, and it had better writing.

Well until next time, laters.


  1. There is not one, but two more DLC coming for Fallout. Will they answer further questions? I think not. Will they offer more slow motion, ant smashing, radioactive carnage? Hells yes! :D
