Before I start, if is inspired by The Angry White Dude and his awesome awesome site. Check it out one day!
You know, I don't talk about politics enough here, so I figured I'd offer some opinions on what that worthless fucktard Harry "Illegal Immigrant criminals are undocumented Americans" Reid said some rather vile, and of course, untrue things on the senate floor this following week.
"Instead of joining us on the fight side of history, all the Republicans can come up with is "slow down, stop everything, let's start over" If you think you have heard these same excuses before, your right". Reid said Monday. "When this country belated the wrongs of Slavery, there where those who dug their heels in and said ' slow down, it's too early, things aren't bad enough."
And you know who those people where Reid? Fucking Democrats! Remember the Civil War Reid? You remember who was the president of the south? No? It was Jefferson Davis, a Democrat. Ever head of a little group called the KKK? Again, started by Democrats. Not to mention nearly all anti-slavery and civil right legislation was opposed by the Democrats. Seriously Reid, fuck off.
Of course Reid goes on about Women's rights and more talk about civil rights, of course forgetting that Democrats have done almost always blocked civil rights. It's also the Democrats/Liberal of today that act as if Blacks are to stupid to think for themselves, which is a shame, because black people are every bit as capable as anyone else. However, since most "black leaders" have profited on this victimization such Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, who are also two cry babies that find racism in everything, blacks continue to be fooled that Liberals actually care about them.
Reid is also a big fan of Anti-White racism as well. Reid, like many Liberals does his best to make every white person out to be a racist if they don't support his insane views. A personal favorite of mine is his calling the gang banging criminal Mestizo's that enter this country illegally every day "Undocumented Americans" or Anti-Immigrant. Not only are the Liberal Immigration Reform (Amnesty) bills a slap in the face the face to people who try and come here legally.
It's time to wake up America!
P.S: If you wondering what a Mestizo is, it's a person of mixed Indian and European blood. They make up a majority of the so called "Hispanics". Regardless, Hispanic is a bull shit term invented by Richard Nixon to lump anyone that speaks Spanish in to one group regardless of their race. Not that I'm saying all Mestizo's are gang banging criminal, not at all. Most Mestizo's in South America are hard working, decent people. The ones in the US, not so much.
P.S II: Another interesting thing is that despite most Americans thinking Hispanic = Mestizo/Cholo/whatever. Most of the rich and successful people in South American are Criollo's or people that are directly descended from the Spanish Conquistador's/European's or other Criollo's. Criollo's also take extreme pride in the fact they are of European blood.
If you found any of this "Racist", then your probably a Liberal shit.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
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