Bravo Mr. Jackson. I love when Slippery has the rare Conservative quest on and get's utterly owned. Mr. Jackson was on to discuss the apparent throwing of brick by Tea Party folks into the offices of several Dims and you guessed it, no a drop of proof.
""Do you have the actual evidence of the people who threw [bricks into Democrat office windows]?" Mr. Jackson owning Slippery, which is not hard to to do anyways.
This holds no merit since 1. Ed "RAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGEEEE" Schultz said it and 2. it's typical Libtard BS. If you don't agree with them, your an evil racist. Yawn.
Sure it is Jess, sure it is.
Totally! Sharia law is so just and fair. Tell that to the women that that are stoned to death or beaten for doing something for like talking on a cell phone. Give me a break with this crap.
Really? REALLY? Man, what happened England? Everyday I keep hearing stories like this from England and it's sad really. Why does England keep doing this shit? Wake up England, multiculturalism is killing you and fast!
"In fact, the president sat down with Bret Baier last week to discuss the health care legislation, and though the interview was seen as testy, no one can say Baier did anything except ask tough questions on behalf of his viewers. By any definition, that's journalism. And the president reached millions he might not have otherwise. That's a problem?" "
Despite Beckel being a Liberal I do agree with him from time to time and he's right. It shouldn't be a problem, but it is for folks at CNN and MSNBC, you know the two station that get beat by Cartoon Network and the Hallmark Channel, attack Fox because they get annihilated in the ratings and they think by attacking Fox will get them ratings, which is never does.
Jimmy Carter is a worthless amoeba anyways. He's also a worthless self hating White, so he's a typical lib.
Opps! So much for that BS Dem lie. They must have had one hell of an arm to reach the 30th floor! Not only that, but said Dem's office said it never happened. More slander from the Dems, per the course. Also, in relation to this story...
oh they certainly will ignore it. This is not the first time they have slandered the folks of the Tea Parties.
First Israel and not apparently the U.K. Way to go Obama, let's shoot for the Japanese, and the whole of Europe next time.
See you next time folks!