Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Anime Conservative Vol.1 Part 2


Maddow, thy name is worthless. Of all the people on PMSNBC that get under my skin the most, Maddow is definitely the top contender. From her snarky know it all attitude (typical of Libs) to her shit tooth grin, Maddow is indeed a waste of a human life. What's funny about all this is when she first started at PMSNBC, she was touted as the new shit by just about everyone there. To be fair to Maddow, she did do pretty well the first few months, even beating Keith Olbermann a few times in total viewers, but late last year, Maddows ratings began to tank i.e low 800k viewers. As for the story at hand, it's typical. Both Maddow and Shaeffer are both self-hating whites who cry racist over the littlest, most mundane things.


Wow, just wow. Oh wait, I see why Obama is doing this, the Environazi's.


Oh Slippery Shuster. You certainly didn't saying anything about Luke Russert (son of the late great Tim Russert) using the exact same term now did you?


Holy fuck. Are you serious Hanks? No Mr. Hanks, the reason we want to annihilate "jihadis" is because they want to kill us and destroy our country. Dumb ass Libtard dip shits.


Hope and change amirite?


Hahaha. Way to go Ann. Cry baby Muslims. It's a shame Ann didn't actually stab her threw the heart.


Fact: Liberals hate Jews. Which is interesting, considering many Jews are Liberals.


Typical Olbertard. Interestingly enough all of the accusations are unproven. Olbertard is using is typical straw man arguments again. No one has any proof that people called Jessie Jackson's son a Nigger, not a shred of evidence. We already know that Libs hate anyone that doesn't agree with them, this just further proves it.

See ya next time!

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