Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sakura Con 09' Video

I sometimes get behind on what's happening in the world of anime, so I usually turn to Anime News Network to catch up on what I've missed, and I almost missed a classic.

I was browsing the "Chicks on Anime", a section where a group of girls give there opinion on various trends and news in the anime world, and I almost missed a rather interesting column about a commercial for Sakura Con 09 directed by famous attention whore, Vic Mignogna. Seems harmless enough right? Well that's what I though at first, so I watched said video. Wow Vic, did ya cram enough stereotypes of anime fans in there? The video also features a cameo by Tiffany Grant, another voice actor, probably most famous for her role as Asuka in Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Before I offer a few opinions on said commercial, I would like to say that I fully agree that the video is pointless and nothing to get worked up about, but the video certainly gets under my skin, mainly because it sends a rather negative message to non anime fans that all anime fans are sushi eating, Japan worshiping Japanophile weeaboo fucktards.

In the span of around 31 seconds I witnessed enough stereotypes to make your head spin and promptly fly off. If your average Joe happened to see this, I'm pretty sure they would think anime fans are a bunch a insane weeaboo's. The video starts with Tiffany Grants saying how much she loves sushi, then some random dude saying he loves Japan period, a comment about J-Rock, followed by some mall emo mentioning shitty J-Metal band Garugamesh(Gilgamesh), random stuff about anime and manga, gaming, and other assorted stuff, hell they should have mentioned JRPG's as well, cause most JRPG fan boys are huge weeaboo's as well. What's really sad is that even though it's a commercial full of stereotypes, most of them are in fact spot on.

I remember my first (and last) con, I went to Anime Weekend Atlanta. It was pretty fun, managed to pick up some neat stuff, a few T shirts, catch up on my Berserk manga, and some other nick nacks, however I just took in the sights and didn't bother talking to anyone. The whole experience was pretty cool, and i did have good time, but the stares I would get, you know the "your not a true fan" stare, man I was so glad to leave, and I doubt I will go back. Which brings me to another point....

While I said that the video portrays a lot of stereotypes in regard to anime fans, but at the same time it's true. Over the years I I would stand up and say "Not all anime fans are like that!" but I had to come to the sad realization that a huge chunk, if not the vast majority of anime fans are like the video portrays them, hell I'd go as far to say it actually encourages this type of absurd behavior. This is probably why a lot of my friends aren't anime fans.

Now, I'm sure some people are wondering, "but don't you like anime Richard?". Yes I do, and I like JRPG's, and various aspect of Japanese history and culture such as the Genpei Wars and The Tale of Heikei. I also enjoy music by various Japanese composers such as Yasunori Mitsunda, however is pretty much loathe JPOP and JROCK and find it to be a bunch of uninspired drivel. I don't care if someone if interested in Japanese culture, honestly I find it to be interesting as well, but if you think Japanese culture is just cartoons, comic, raw fish (sushi), and cardboard covered in chocolate (pocky), then you need help.

In closing, I have to say, I'm glad my weeaboo days are long gone and youtube has some really awesome parody video's such as Sakura-Con 40k: Dawn of Weeabo, check it out!

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