Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Last Remnant, PS3 version canned?

It seems at a recent share holders meeting, SE pretty much gave some hints towards the PS3 version of The Last Remnant being canceled, and honestly I'm not surprised. For those who don't know, The Last Remnant is a JRPG/Strategy game hybrid released in November 08' for the XBOX 360 and early this early this year for the PC to lukewarm reviews and rather awful sales.

Why was the PS3 version seemingly axed? Quite a few reasons actually, and they are mostly poor decisions on SE's part. The biggest problem facing the PS3 version from the start was the use of the Unreal engine, which is wildly know as being less than PS3 friendly, and not like it would have mattered anyways as the 360 version is an absolute mess if you didn't install it to the 360's hard drive. If they couldn't get the game working on the 360 or PC, then the PS3 version would more than likely ended up unplayable. During the early stages of development, SE said that they developed TLR with a western audience in mind, and I have to say, they did? The game is pretty much a straight up JRPG threw and threw. The only thing western about it s the fact that it uses the Unreal Engine and that the English voice acting is the original language. In addition, it's clear that SE saw the 360 as a way to make a quick buck, well, so they though. The sales world wide have been poor, with the 360 version selling around 200+k world wide last time I checked, and the PC version I'm unclear of. In other words it was a total flop, much like SE's other JRPG's on the 360.

So, the big question is what would the PS3 version be like? Well honestly It would probably be half way decent, and more than likely have the Japanese track (gotta make the Weeaboo's happy amirite?!) and maybe the DLC the PC and 360 version had. At this point I feel it would be pointless as the PS3 has quite a few JRPG and WRPG coming out that would likely over shadow TLR. It would probably sell decently in Japan and SE could maybe even break even.

A word of advice SE, JRPG's rarely sell well on the 360, so better luck next time.

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