Monday, March 8, 2010

The Anime Conservative Vol. 1

Welcome to the first installment of The Anime Conservative, so sit back and enjoy the commentary. Tonight we shall be covering Chris "I forgot he was black" Matthews, laugh worth protests by Crazy Al Sharpton, and other fun stories. On with the show!

Yep, you totally figured it out Tingles the Clown. Good god, can some one please put a muzzle on Tingles? He says stupid shit like this all the time. Oh, and rename his show Softball with talentless hack libtard Chris Matthews.

Oh Glenn, how uniformed you are about Geert "The Man" Wilders. What Beck does however (after labeling Wilders "far-right") is talk out of his ass on this subject. Geert Wilders is a hero to many in Europe because he is one of the few fighting against the total Islamization of Europe. England is a good example of what the rest of Europe could very well end up looking like, a mulcultural shit hole. Come on Glenn, I normally find you a blast to listen to, but this is a PC play on your part.

Oh shit! Can you imagine the shit storm if a Conservative, Libertarian, or Independent said this little gem? Rather being the usual know it all Libtard will get a free pass and life will go on. Oh well, it WAS pretty funny though.

Wow. It's not surprising though, judging by the trailer it looked like an exciting movie, but I knew it would be full of Liberal shit such as America is evil, the war was started just to start it, and other time honored hate America non-sense that Libs are so fond of. Ironically the director, Paul Greengrass, directed the amazing film film United 93.

Awesome! That's just what America needs, another booster shot of the Mestizo Invasion Virus to further drive this nation under. I'm sorry Grhamnesty, but THAT's the last thing we need right now. Once Obamacare gets passed, it's going to further strain this country. That RINO sack of garbage Grahamnesty needs to go. Can't you see it now? The boo hoo sob stories of the illegal Mestizo about how the evil whites are trying to enforce they law and you know not let a bunch of raving murders and gang bangers into this country. And stop with the "but they are good people" horse shit, because that has been prove to not be the case time and time again.

See you next time!

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