Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fallout 3's power armor is deep stuff man!

So says Destructoid.

"You know, I think in a post-apocalyptic game like Fallout 3, when you put on a suit of Power Armor, you’re saying to the Wasteland, saying to the world, ‘I’m a badass. Bring it.’ These are the guys who have gone beyond survival. They’re no longer on the defensive, and are bringing the fight to the enemy. Because, when you think about it, so much of the equipment used by the guys in Fallout 3 is pure crap. The guns have decades-old tape on the stocks, everything is near broken, lots of stuff is cobbled together from spare parts. Everyone is barely surviving. But the Power Armor is constructed, and maintained. It’s a step above what any average Wasteland dweller has. And having access to equipment like means you’re probably part of an organized group, like the Brotherhood of Steel or Enclave -- those are the guys with the resources and determination to strap themselves into Power Armor and go on the offensive."

Wow...just wow Emil. Why is it that every time that Emil, Todd, and Pete open their mouth something amazingly stupid comes out? It's amazing really. It's been almost a year since Fallout 3 came out and the 3 Stooges STILL talk about it. Time for a line by line break down of this latest gem by Emil.

You know, I think in a post-apocalyptic game like Fallout 3, when you put on a suit of Power Armor, you’re saying to the Wasteland, saying to the world, ‘I’m a badass. Bring it."

Umm...what? No it doesn't Emil. The Brotherhood uses Power Armor because it's a powerful piece of pre-war technology and the Brotherhood is always in the mood for using pre-war tech. This line shows just how little Bethesda know about Fallout, and it's really sad because the 3 stooges keep spouting this bull.

These are the guys who have gone beyond survival. They’re no longer on the defensive, and are bringing the fight to the enemy."

No longer on the defensive and taking the fight to the enemy? What the hell are you talking about Emil? Did they really bother playing the game? I mean yeah, the whole "We're such huge fans" line they say constantly but I really would like to know, did they actually play the older games? To answer the question at hand, the Brotherhood was never on the defensive and they always kept to themselves. As for the whole taking the fight to the enemy and fighting the good fight nonsense that the Brotherhood in FO3 talk about. That's a simple lack of understanding on Bethesda's part and as usual not understanding a damn thing about Fallout.

"Because, when you think about it, so much of the equipment used by the guys in Fallout 3 is pure crap. The guns have decades-old tape on the stocks, everything is near broken, lots of stuff is cobbled together from spare parts"

Sure Emil, sure they are. That's why every Raider and Talon Company Mercenary have numerous assault rifles , rocket launchers, and in the case of the Talon Company, well maintained suit of combat armor. Keep up the top grade bull shit.

Everyone is barely surviving."

Jesus Christ....barely surviving my butt. Yes, the people on the east coast are just in such a horrid situation. That's why they have a metric ton of food, water, and ammo. The everyone is barely surviving line is wore out Emil, give it a rest.

But the Power Armor is constructed, and maintained. It’s a step above what any average Wasteland dweller has. And having access to equipment like means you’re probably part of an organized group, like the Brotherhood of Steel or Enclave -- those are the guys with the resources and determination to strap themselves into Power Armor and go on the offensive."

Oi, keep up the good work Emil. God listening to Emil or anyone from Bethesda is like beating your head against the wall.

Oh and don't worry, plenty more Emil lol-a-thon, as he did an interview with some random gaming site. I'll post it later, and it's a doozy.

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